9 out of 10 American women have a negative relationship with their body...and I used to be the worst offender

Let me start with a confession: I have done horrible things to my body.

15 years of forcing myself to puke after eating...

Endless exercise that wore my joints down to the bone...

Even dangerous (and ineffective!) liposuction to attack my “trouble spots”...

All in a fruitless effort to make my body look “perfect”.

Just think about it - if someone else had made me do all those things, we would have rightly called them a monster. Yet I abused my own body for years, and never stopped to question what I was doing.

I wish I could tell you that it was all worth it...

I wish I could tell you that my eating disorder had made me thin...

I wish I could tell you that all that painful exercise made me healthy...

I wish I could tell you that going deep into debt for plastic surgery had bought me a permanently sculpted backside...

But the ugly truth is this: no amount of abuse can make someone even a tiny bit better, a little bit healthier, or even a smidgen more vibrant.

I devoted my life to getting the “perfect” body, but by the time I was in my 30s, I was weak from malnutrition even though I was technically overweight. My hair was falling out, my skin was covered in boils, and my GI tract was so ravaged I could barely go to the bathroom.

Now, my story has a happy ending (which I’ll share with you in just a minute), but if anything I’ve mentioned sounds familiar to you, I beg you to hear me out...

I lost the first 20 years of my adult life chasing a fantasy because I was deeply mistaken about what was important. I was paralzyed by fear - literally unable to sleep at night because I was freaking out about the size of my butt...

The truth is, I was lied to by a lot of people, most of all by myself...

But as soon as I learned the truth, everything in my life changed!

In fact today, as I countdown towards my 50th birthday, I’m in the best shape of my life.

I’m eating like a queen, and the days of constant vomiting seem a lifetime away...

I’ve found a new way to exercise that keeps me strong and flexible, but never, ever causes pain...

I’m in love with my body, not because of its size or shape, but because I discovered that it is truly worthy of love.

Best of all, YOU can feel this way, too, and I can’t wait to show you how.

That’s why I’ve written this book - Stop Losing Sleep Over the Size of Your Butt

Maybe your story is a little bit like mine...

Maybe you’ve been duped into believing that if you can just get down to a certain weight, or fit into a certain size, or magically possess the carefully Photoshopped curves of a supermodel - THEN your life will be filled with happiness.

Deep down, you know that’s not true, don’t you?

So please - STOP losing sleep over the size of your butt! And allow me to show you how to turn your life around by conquering the turmoil and anxiety within you.

My book really seems to have struck a nerve with women all over the world. In fact, when it was released on Amazon, it quickly became the #1 new release in Women’s Health.

I’m thrilled that I now get to share with you the solutions that have worked for me, and give you a step-by-step blueprint to discovering your own deliciously happy life.

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling anxious about your body, then this book is for you, and I can’t beg you enough to hear what I have to say.

It’s available on my web site and on Amazon, but I’d like to send you the first eye-opening chapter for free - no strings attached.

Simply enter your email in the form above and I’ll send you the first chapter as a PDF file that is yours to keep. I hope that once you’ve gotten a taste for what I have to say, you’ll be inspired to check out the whole book.

I can’t wait to share this book with you. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity!

Much love,
Misty Tripoli
Author, Stop Losing Sleep Over the Size of Your Butt

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